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Electric Vehicle

  • What are the types of Electric Vehicles ?

    There are three main types of electric vehicles(EVs), classed by the degree that electricity is used as their energy source.
    EVSE or battery electric vehicles
    PHEVs or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
    HEVs or hybrid electric vehicles

  • What are the basic components of an Electric Vehicle ?

    There are three main types of electric vehicles(EVs), classed by the degree that electricity is used as their energy source.

    EVSE : The equipment, connected to an electrical power source, that provides the alternating current (AC) or the direct current (DC) supply to the electric vehicle that is needed to charge the vehicle’s traction batteries.
    Electric Vehicle Connector :The device attached to the EVSE cable that provides the physical connection between the EVSE and the PEV.
    Electric Vehicle Inlet : The device on the electric vehicle that provides the physical connection between the PEV and the EVSE connector.
    Battery Charger : Level 1 and 2 charging uses the PEV’s internal battery charger to convert the EVSE alternating current (AC) supply to the direct current (DC) needed to charge the car’s traction batteries.

  • What are the types of Electric Vehicle Charging ?

    AC Level 1 Charging Station
    Level 2 Charging Station
    DC Fast Charging


    Power supplied to EVSE by solar panels maybe a viable alternative and augment to grid supplied electricity. Installing solar can also extend the environmental benefits of owning a PEV by significantly reducing the CO2 contribution associated with conventional electrical power generation.

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